The PNT Marketing Database CheckUp Form

Just like a trip to your friendly family physician each year, our Information CheckUp can help uncover issues that should be addressed before they turn into major problems, and can help ensure the long-term health and profitability of your marketing efforts. Answering the following questions will provide us with an overview of your marketing organization and the areas that require careful attention if you are going to make the most of your marketing dollar by leveraging customer information to provide customer-focused, data-driven marketing solutions that will positively impact your bottom line. We will score your CheckUp and get back to you with our assessment and suggestions for improvement.

Name: * required
Company: * required
Phone: * required
Email: * required
Address 2:
A. Organizational Alignment

Of primary importance is whether your entire organization is focused on the customer and on leveraging customer data to enhance strategic position. These questions ask whether your organization is focused on the customer and whether specific departments, such as marketing or systems support, exist and specifically support the organization's customer-focused mission.

Each question should be answered with a number from 1 to 10, 1 being the LOWEST score you could give, and 10 being the HIGHEST score.

1. Is your organization customer-focused? Some examples of customer-focused activities are: tailoring products and services to customer needs; reaching out to customers with pro-active strategies like new-customer welcome calls or pre-emptive loss-prevention follow-ups to customers who have had recent customer-service issues; empowering customer-facing employees (in-branch financial services representatives) to do "whatever it takes" to make sure a customer is satisfied; measuring revenue and profitability at a customer level.

My organization is customer-focused:
(1 = absolutely not, 10 = enthusiastically yes)

2. Is the entire organization, from senior management down to in-branch representatives, aligned toward a common mission, vision and goals?

My organization is aligned toward a common mission:
(1 = absolutely not, 10 = enthusiastically yes)

3. Is there a separate marketing function in the organization?
(10 = yes there is definitely a separate marketing function, 1 = no there is not)

4. If the answer to question 3 is 5 or greater, does the marketing function have a clear customer focus, or is it more focused on products and services in a more traditional "let's sell what we've got" mode?

The marketing function is customer-focused:
(1 = absolutely not, 10 = enthusiastically yes)

(1 of 6)